FullTrust is a tool for managing several aspects of a small or medium business. It covers everything from inventory management, salespersons, customers, among others. It can also create charts and reports fast and easy, which can help the Audit process. It has a modern layout and it can use more computers with a main database.
First off you need to configure the program and input all the data. It really offers a lot of information fields for each product and you can also set a global VAT, or a custom one for every product. This is very useful if you're importing merchandise from countries with different VAT's. Another good feature is that each time you write a new manufacturer or supplier, he will be automatically added to the database. Making it less time-consuming if you need to add several products to that specific supplier. Once you're done configuring the program, you can check your inventory status anytime you want.
It will automatically keep an activity log, in which you'll be able to see every action that took place while running the program. It also has a very good sales chart feature. It can show the sales per salesperson, or by the payment method, or just to show the net profit, among others.
Another indispensable feature the program has is the search feature. In a small or medium business you can have hundreds, even thousands of different products, and you need an easy way to find them fast. However, you can only search by the product's serial code.
FullTrust is a great tool for any business to have. It makes the management process a lot easier, and a whole lot faster. Due to its thorough help section, it is relatively easy to learn and can be used by anyone who has basic knowledge of operating a computer.